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Through our programs, CKG helps teens and their influencers everywhere find the courage to SpeakUp.

You are not alone.

You are worth it all. 


Help teens proactively add tools to their mental wellness toolboxes. Our innovative e-learning mental wellness education suite includes opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth in an effort to reaches teens wherever they are at in their mental health journey. 

Find connection and support in open dialogue about mental health topics effecting teens. Conversations with CKG is our free webinar series that turns the whispered, hidden conversations about mental health into open, supportive, educational dialogue. 

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Start a SpeakUp Club at your school to increase awareness and understanding of teen mental wellness. Be a positive force in your school community! 

Our suite of Mental Wellness Journals serve as a positive coping skill for teens and adults alike. These include puzzles, writing prompts, coloring pages, and resources. The journals are born from our Mental Wellness toolkits and are available to download.

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